When the United States declared war on Japan on December 8, 1941, one day after the infamous attack on the US naval base at Pearl Harbor, the country was suddenly driven out of a period of isolationism and onto the world’s stage as it mobilized the great arsenal of democracy. The journey was not easy, as the United States had to tackle significant challenges at home to meet the sudden demand for supplies and equipment needed to prepare for battle. Through essays, lesson plans, and multimedia resources, this curriculum guide will help students explore how the nation came together to solve complex problems created by the war, as well as the impact it had on the lives of everyday Americans due to wartime practices such as rationing, the draft, and segregation.

An illustrated guide made by the US government to assist citizens in protecting themselves against nuclear fallout.

A postwar video that captures footage of workers at Manhattan Project work sites.

A naturally-occurring radioactive element used for the production of nuclear energy. The most common isotope used is U-235.

A radioactive element with the atomic number 94, produced in uranium reactors.

A nuclear reaction in which an atom’s nucleus splits into smaller parts.

Variants of chemical elements that have the same number of protons but different numbers of neutrons, which means that different isotopes can have the same atomic number (based on number of protons) but have a different mass number.

The amount of atomic material required to sustain nuclear fission.

When a single nuclear reaction leads to additional and ongoing reactions, with the possibility of becoming self-sustaining.
A Secret Revealed
Following the use of two atomic bombs on Japan, knowledge of the Manhattan Project came to the attention of the American people. Looking at a collection of letters between a worker on the Manhattan Project and members of his family, students will critically examine the different perceptions that emerged about the atomic bomb and its use in combat.
Covert Operators
Featuring oral histories from the “Voices of the Manhattan Project” collection kept by the Atomic Heritage Foundation, this lesson asks students to use context clues to determine which project sites a person worked, what they did to contribute to the construction of atomic bombs, and whether or not the person understood what they were helping to build.